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Why I'm Thankful!

Writer's picture: Praise JacksonPraise Jackson

Recently, I had an opportunity to speak to an amazing group of high school students. During my presentation entitled, “The Importance of Personal Brand,” I shared about my personal academic path, my advancement in my professional career, and my overall entrepreneurial journey. As the students sat and listened, hanging on to every word - it dawned on me that I truly have a powerful story and a lot to be thankful for. 

I have had various opportunities to speak in front of audiences, but something about this time was different. There was a realization that by me sharing my experiences, could positively change the trajectory of the lives of these young people. For me, that was a powerful moment. 

Speaking to this group of teenagers, I recalled all the choices and decisions that I faced when I was their age while battling the unanswered question as to what lied ahead for my academic future beyond high school. What I was sure of, was my skill at drawing in which made me certain I would major in some area of visual arts in college, although, early on, I wasn’t quite sure what college to attend. I also still had the decision of whether to pursue drawing and painting, graphic design or fashion design. 

I was privileged to have had a very close relationship with my art teacher, Mrs. Daughtry. She was someone I truly admired and respected. I vividly remember her telling me one day,  “Just pursue what you love, because you’re going to excel at whatever you do!” These words have stayed with me and I’m so grateful to have had a supportive role model like Mrs. Daughtry in my corner. Ultimately, I majored in drawing and painting at Georgia State University. 

My life has taken many twists and turns since that conversation with my beloved art teacher, but I’ve always kept her words close to my heart. In this same way, It’s my hope that the words I imparted onto the students, inspired them to continue to walk towards their own journey of greatness. 

With Thanksgiving being later this month, I’m truly thankful for so many things; my family, friends, my business, and being able to share my gifts and experiences with others, like I was able to do with those high school students. I’m also thankful for each and everyone of you that supports me whether as a client, email subscriber, social media follower or reader of my blog. I’m grateful for each one of you and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!


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