The legacy you will leave is directly connected to the life you live. There is the known recognition that legacy is tied to, such as the assets or liabilities that one will leave behind, but it can also be a sum of how impactful you are, what you accomplished and it’s far reaching implication for generations to come.
It’s a fact that legacy is about what you leave behind. Although assets like real estate, money, insurance policies, and jewelry are welcomed by most, legacy is more than that. Another asset is the impact you make through your personal and professional endeavors. This could be related to the organizations you’re involved with, you’re civic engagement, academic journey or the career or purpose you’re called to.
Another noted aspect of legacy is in what you’re able to accomplish. This could be excelling at a competitive level in sports or the arts, being a world traveler, learning another language or starting a business that fills a niche.
Additionally, the overarching role legacy plays on each generation determines the likelihood for success or unwanted failure. Considering the billions of people in the world, we are indirectly connected to each other. And if we start with our own families, there is a foundation of things that determine what the legacy will look like from one generation to the next. This could be the values, traditions, religious beliefs and the role of holistic health (mind, body or soul) implemented in a family.
Legacy is a simple word with a big meaning. It is important for individuals to take stock of the legacy they want to leave behind, and in doing so, be intentional about the impact, accomplishments and blueprint left for generations to come. By doing this, we create strong families, communities, countries and the world.