The pronouns I go by are “she”, “her”, and “hers”. I am woman. From the shape of my eyes, to the tone of my voice, the stride in my walk, my intuition and even my dual roles as a mother, and female business owner. I take tremendous pride in being a woman and every nuance of what that truly means.
In order to define who I am as a woman, is a story that continues to unfold throughout my life experiences and those that I’ve shared with countless other women - those I know personally and those I don’t - that have impacted my life in various ways. I stand on the shoulders of the women in my family; whether it be my great grandmothers, my mom, sisters, aunts, and older female relatives who have exemplified what it means to be strong, courageous, tenacious and unapologetic, while at the same time, showing me what it means to be compassionate, empathetic and concerned about the needs of others.
My circle of women extends beyond my family to include all of my wonderful friends; many who I’ve known for over 20 years, and my vast number of female counterparts and clients. Through these relationships, I’ve learned the meaning of steadfastness, trust, tolerance and fortitude. What has bonded these connections have been the supportive words of encouragement in the face of adversity and challenges, the caring touch when there’s sadness and pain, the celebratory cheer during triumphs and victories and the listening ear given for contemplation and decision-making.
I recognize the power of this great sisterhood and I stand in the confidence of what that means. Not a day goes by that I’m not intentional about uplifting the women in my life. I also look for opportunities to pass along my uplifting to various other women I don’t know that cross my path. This is done by sharing an encouraging word, giving a complement, and for those women I know, calling to check on them, meeting them for coffee or a meal, or making a referral if they’re a business owner.
What it means to be a woman, and the vast impact we make globally, is as diverse as the shades, languages, and ideas represented by women around the world. I’m so thankful to be a part of this phenomenal sisterhood and celebrate women everywhere!