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When I was a child I recall the lyrics of a song my mom would often sing where a part of the song said, “I have joy, joy, joy down in my heart”. I would often sing these words to myself while I was aimlessly in play. As I’ve gotten older, it takes a certain amount of intentionality to be joyful. The holidays is the perfect time to crank up the joy meter. You can enjoy a favorite activity, spend some quality time with your favorite people or revisit a special childhood memory.

Around this time of year I always look forward to doing one of my favorite activities…ice skating. Something about being on the ice, going around the rink listening to the holiday music always makes me happy. I don’t do it as often as I used to. But, it never fails, the moment I’m back on the ice, there’s a jubilance that comes over me. I always look forward to when the next time will come.

For me, there is nothing like spending quality time with the special people in my life. I have an amazing tribe of family and friends. When I get to share a good laugh among my close connections there is nothing like it. I’m always fascinated by the positive energy felt through laughter. Then, there are times where having a really great conversation brings joy.

Reflecting on your childhood sometimes has a way of bringing up joyous memories. I can think of a number of them, but some of my fondest were the many hours playing board games and card games with my siblings. The game Life, Monopoly, Uno, Connect Four, Othello and BattleShip. As much as I enjoyed when I won, I found the most enjoyment of the togetherness we were able to share.

I try to look for as many ways to be joyful and spread joy. This sometimes requires intentionality; especially with the responsibilities that come with being an adult. But, during this holiday season try to create opportunities to experience and share joy. The world could use a little more of it! Joy, Peace and Love to you during this season and into the coming year.

In this season, the focus tends to be directed to the “why”, “what” and “when” of being grateful. Showing gratitude in your daily life can have a significant impact on how often positive things happen in your life, while recognizing the examples you see in others can all be just as impactful.

If you take a moment to reflect, you probably can think of any number of ways there are to show gratitude. As I reflect, I make it my mission to show it through my actions and my words. Whether this is doing a thoughtful gesture for a loved one, sharing with a friend I’m so thankful for, or spending time in meditation or devotion.

Then, there are times when we are the beneficiaries of others showing their gratitude. Recently, I helped a friend in need so they showed their gratitude by paying for my lunch. These days it’s always appreciated when I receive a kind smite or thank you when I assist with holding the door for someone or I assist a person in need with money for food.

All around us there are ways to demonstrate gratitude. Be intentional about looking for ways to do so. Gratitude should be a daily part of your life, not just during the Thanksgiving season. I can assure you that you will be blessed in more ways than one!

Life happens. Determining how you handle the difficulties and challenges that are inevitable demonstrates your resilience. The question is: how do you go about it? Do you jump into problem solving mode? Do you allow things to take their course? Or, do you immediately reach out for help?

Bouncing back from a difficult situation sometimes requires the skill to problem solve. In doing so, it’s important to assess your options. Having the ability to do this often presents the best opportunity for coming through to the other side by picking the best option and proceeding.

Sometimes resilience also requires that we allow things to take their course. One of the best ways to approach this is with a positive attitude and knowing that the challenge with time will pass. Sometimes we can’t control the outcome but keeping things in perspective can assist with navigating them a little easier.

In other cases, seeking help is the ideal way to implement being resilient. Seeking the advice, counsel, and support of others can be very helpful. When we’re going through a challenge we aren’t always able to think clearly, therefore having someone there to provide needed assistance may be the best course of action.

Difficulties are guaranteed. How you navigate them is the key to resilience. The best approach may be problem solving, however there are times where things have to take their natural course while other times, seeking the help of others is beneficial. Whatever method is used, ultimately not letting challenges get the best of you is the most important thing. Resilience undoubtedly builds character!

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