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I was recently in a conversation with someone and the topic of beliefs came up. The person leading the conversation was inquiring about what they believed about themselves and how that impacted the way they showed up in the world. It got me thinking about what I believe about myself and how these views also influence how I interact with others, my decision making and overall mood.

In the conversation about beliefs, the theme that kept coming up was how our beliefs in ourselves shape the way we interact with others. I’m naturally an outgoing person, often referred to as an extrovert, and I love meeting new people and learning their stories. I’ve realized I enjoy these interactions because it allows me an opportunity to open up my viewpoint and perspective. I’m typically one who knows where I stand on things, but I’m always listening to see if I hear new ideas or thoughts that resonate with me.

In our daily lives, decision making comes with the territory. Whether it's a small decision like what you’re going to eat to a heavier decision about who you want as your life partner - your beliefs often play a huge role whether you realize it or not. One real-time example of this, is that over the past several years, I’ve become more intentional about eating healthier. My beliefs have guided this journey for me because I believe our health is our wealth. Because what we put into our body is a significant factor in a healthy lifestyle, I’ve made modifications to my diet such as cooking with olive oil instead of canola and vegetable oil that are higher in saturated fats.

Another way our beliefs show up in our daily lives is within our mood. When you are happier, peaceful, confident, and optimistic you tend to have a much different outlook on life than someone that is stressed, anxious, bitter and unhappy. There are studies that have shown your mood directly aligns with what you feel about yourself and the long term effects on both your physical and mental health. Naturally, we all have varying moods that are circumstantial. If you are someone that finds yourself dealing with sadness, depression or other moodiness regularly and it’s affecting your views about yourself, finding help through counseling, therapy or other options may be a good remedy.

It’s important to evaluate your beliefs; specifically those you have about yourself. Because our beliefs shape our way of dealing with others, our decision making and even our mood, doing self reflection often may be just the tune-up needed to course-correct or make other modifications. I truly believe to live is to learn and as long as we’re doing this, opportunities for growth are abundant.

The full bloom of a flower represents the culmination of a process that started first with the planting of a seed. Similar to a flower, life also has a way of bringing into bloom areas where we nurture and allow growth. This could be within your finances, a personal or professional goal, or in your relationships.

Speaking from experience, I’m also happy when I set out to achieve a financial goal and reap the rewards of meeting it. It always helps me when I have a specific number in mind and I have a specific focus. For example, wanting to take a vacation, paying off credit cards from holiday shopping or wanting to increase my savings or other investments. Discipline has always been proven to be my best friend for my financial goals and each time I meet it, I am always so grateful for the benefits I get to reap.

Another area where planting a seed and being rewarded by a beautiful bloom is in our personal or professional aspirations. Recently, I have been giving my attention to some new professional endeavors, and watching them blossom before my eyes has been such a great feeling. I’ve been appreciating the different stages and all the things I’m learning along the way.

With one of the new endeavors I’m embarking on, finding the right supportive time has been key to helping me bring this new venture to life. Over the past several years, I’ve cultivated various relationships. I’ve always believed that finding people that are great at what they do, who also match your greatness at what you do, always equals GREAT! I’m so gracious to have people in my corner that believe in me. It makes a big difference.

Life is what we make it. You can create a beautiful bouquet of experience. This could be in your finances, in an area of your personal or professional endeavors, or even in your relationships. The first step, just planting that seed and staying consistent in the process. On the other side is something so amazing.

Not a day goes by that I’m not inspired by something. It could be someone’s well put together outfit, an amazing quote, or getting out in nature. Life is filled with all kinds of inspiring people, places and ideas. Gleaming from these things can really take your personal development to a whole other level.

I have some really awesome people in my tribe and I’m all learning and growing from them. For example, one of my clients, and dear friends, wrote an amazing book on perseverance. Reading her story, it truly inspires me to continue going after my dreams and won’t settle when I hear the occasional “no”. I’m not just inspired by people I know, many times it is the people I don’t know, the celebrities, fashion designers or athletes that I follow. It’s always fascinating to me the hurdles and challenges it takes most people to get where they are.

Traveling and having different experiences, I would say, is one of my favorite things to do. One of the biggest parts for me is the inspiration I draw from the history of a place; the beauty of its architecture, terrain and culture. Most times I bring things back from my travels that I can continue to glean inspiration from. On a recent trip to Cape Town, South Africa I was able to do just that. It’s truly one of the most notable places I’ve been and I came home feeling so inspired.

I am one of those people who love hearing an inspiring story or quote. Something about them always helps me transform any negative or unproductive belief systems into a more positive, “Can do” way of thinking. When I find a good quote or story, I am also the one that’s likely to share it. I figure if it inspired me, someone else would be blessed from it too…and 10 out of 10 times I’ve been right.

Inspiration can come in so many forms. Finding those things that inspire you can be valuable in living a fulfilled and happy life. Whether it’s getting out into nature, learning something new from an important person in your life or someone you don’t personally know but that inspires you. Then, there’s nothing like hearing a great inspirational story, speech or quote to add a little pep to your step. Whatever the way your inspiration comes, allow it to elevate and develop you.

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