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A question I find myself asking internally, frequently, and often. Many times, it’s when I’m about to embark on something new or when I feel the onset of, what I call, ‘the convenient busy,’ aka procrastination. When that subtle voice inside says to you: “it’s not your time, you’re not experienced enough, you don’t have what it takes, you’re not famous, who will listen to you?” what will you choose to listen to?

When these words try to penetrate my mind, I reflect on all I have accomplished, the experiences I’ve had and the tenacity that has gotten me to this point thus far. There are times when I certainly wish that life as an entrepreneur was a little bit easier; maybe work days that don’t surpass 8 hours, or successfully managing a calendar that accommodates my packed schedule, or even working diligently to exceed client’s expectations uninterrupted.

Honestly, it can be absolutely exhausting! But, for me, the trade-off is that I get to live out my dream and love every minute of it. Though these aspects are related to my personal entrepreneurial journey, I believe the rewarding feeling of fulfilling a personal vision is undeniably true of any dream.

Sometimes we can find ourselves looking for excuses to postpone or delay going after what we really want for our careers, personal life, relationships, and finances because we’re too afraid of the idea that we’ll fail. To that I say, you are just the person! There is not another soul meant to do what’s needed in order to make that desire or dream become a reality.

The same effort it takes to talk yourself out of something could be the same energy you use to do it, with the added benefit that at least trying brings you closer to a successful outcome.

The time is now for you to make your move. Push passed that nervous feeling in your stomach and that naysaying voice in your head; you’ve got this! The question is now, what are you waiting for? My response...YOU!

Updated: Feb 6, 2019

With every year that passes, I reflect on what was learned, and I seek to build upon it. For me, 2018 was the “Year of Intentionality.” I was very intentional in cultivating new friendships and partnerships, spending quality time with my family and friends, all while following through with goals that I set for my business; something felt different about how I approached 2018 then years prior. I’ve always written down my list of resolutions: starting with the standard of working out consistently, daily prayer and meditation, and building my savings.

The year 2018 taught me that by creating a theme for the year, ultimately helps me to stay focused. 

Grateful to have made it into 2019, I’m excited for what this year will bring. I’ve decided this year’s theme will be the “Year of Surprises.” I’m not exactly sure what is to come, but I feel a sense of positive expectancy. I will look at ways to surprise and bring joy into others’ lives, and in return, the same will be brought to me. Giving 2019 the theme of “Year of Surprises,” will help me be mindful throughout the year of all the times where I’m surprised, or I surprise someone through a word or deed. 

I’m certain 2019 will come with its own set of challenges, obstacles, and disappointments so, knowing this, I have to decide whether I’m going to live in faith or fear of what the future holds. I choose faith!

Every day of this year I will set aside time to speak reaffirming words to myself. I will support causes close to my heart, and I will look for ways to bring a smile to others through surprises big and small. I’ve learned that the biggest obstacle most of us have to overcome is within us. You have to decide to adopt the attitude that you aren’t going to let life’s issues take you off course, which have proven to be one of the best life lessons. Since we're at the beginning of the year, there is no better time than now to reflect on what you want your theme to be for 2019.

When you do choose your theme, go about living it through every single day. You will be surprised at how much more meaningful the 365 days of this year will turn out to be. It may not be the “Year of Surprises” for you, but whatever it is make it good! Happy New Year!

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”! That’s how the Christmas song goes and I would have to agree...

For me, the season starts to take shape the moment I pull out my Christmas tree and my extensive collection of holiday ornaments and decorations collected over the years. In the past, I’ve always put on holiday music to set the mood of the season. There’s just something about hearing Donny Hathaway’s, “This Christmas” and Mariah Carey’s, “All I Want for Christmas Is You” that marks it’s officially that time of the year!

While I currently have an artificial Christmas tree, I grew up always having a real tree, which has allowed me to appreciate that fresh smell of pine associated with the holiday season. It’s moments like those, that when I get a big whiff of that signature pine, that makes me return to the thought of maybe one day getting a live tree again. I’m also a bit partial to putting up white Christmas lights and being that I don’t have a fireplace, you can find beautiful stockings placed strategically throughout my home. My children are young adults now, but when I bring out pictures of them from holidays in the past, it is sure to bring a smile to their face, and mine as well. Within these photos, we’re reminded of cherished memories that include homemade cookies and hot chocolate, watching “How The Grinch Stole Christmas” and those drives throughout our neighborhood admiring our neighbors’ beautiful holiday light decorations – with every year getting more and more elaborate.

What will always be one of my favorite holiday pastimes is ice skating. Over time, I’ve become not as steady on the skates as I used to be, but it is still so much fun, and I even get one or two good laughs from it. Normally during this time of the year, I also get to catch up on my favorite TV shows I’ve missed OnDemand and, of course, catch any of the year’s holiday movies. I’m such a sucker for a good Lifetime or Hallmark channel holiday movie.

In the era of online shopping and quick Amazon shipping, I still appreciate the good, old-fashioned Christmas shopping the traditional way. I continue to make my Christmas gift giving list and off to my favorite stores I go! In addition to getting gifts for my dear family and friends, I also adopt an angel, or two, in order to make a child or family’s Christmas just a little brighter. While I give to various charities throughout the year, something about giving during the holiday season helps me to remember just how blessed I am.

I’m blessed with wonderful children, family, and friends and am thankful for good health, a successful business and, most importantly, for the true reason for the season. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and yours!

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