It has been said that joy is an internal feeling expressed by outward happiness—an emotion that can be brought on by exciting or memorable moments in our lives. However, it's also possible that when you are at a place of contentment, joy can be found. The most important thing is finding the things in your life that bring you joy.
During the holidays, it's more common to hear about joy in a Christmas song or carol, commercials, product advertisements, social media posts, and even in greeting cards. This prevalence is likely because it goes hand in hand with the "be merry" sentiment of this time of year. While I agree with this, it's understandable for multiple reasons: having time to spend with loved ones and friends, gift-giving, and time off from work. Joy can truly be something that you make a part of your life.
Like anything that we're intentional about, seeking joy is no different. It can be something that you actively engage in every day. One way to do this would be to make a list of the things you find that bring joy. This could involve checking in on a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while, baking a recipe that brings back fond memories, taking the dance class you always wanted to, or simply spending time by yourself reading a good book or journaling.
While we are all different and what brings one person joy may not for another, the key is finding those things that do and doing them. Not only do I believe it will bring balance, but it also supports a healthier physical being. It's a commonly known assertion that happy people live longer.
Seeking ways to foster joy doesn't have to be an occasional thing, only sought during the holidays; it can become a way of being. Naturally, while it's understood you won't feel this emotion all the time, if you open the door to allowing joy to be more present in your life, you'll find all the unexpected ways that it will be the gift that keeps giving year-round! Merry Christmas!